Color Swatches

We have a Color Swatches option on the Theme Settings. If you enable this option, the color options of your products will appear as clickable swatches


Color Option

  • In the edit a product page, add a Color option
    Please note: In English, the option name is Color. You can translate it into other languages, but you have to set the keyword in the Theme Settings 
  • On the front-end, the color will be displayed based on the color names OR color images 
  • Color names:
    - Here is a list of the color names:
  • Color images: you can upload an image that represents that color
    - From your Themes page, click the Edit HTML/CSS link to go to Theme editor page, locate and click the Assets folder to reveal its content.
    - Under the Assets heading, click the Add a new asset link.
    - Upload your PNG image. Recommended dimensions: 60 x 60px
    Please note: There's an important naming convention to respect here! The image must be named after the color option, but be handleized, and have a .png extension.
    + 'Déjà Vu Blue' --> deja-vu-blue.png
    + 'Blue/Gray' --> blue-gray.png
    + 'Black' --> black.png

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